Buyer love letters can provide valuable information to the seller. With properties receiving multiple offers, it can be difficult to choose the best one. By reading these love letters, you get a sense of the buyer and their connection to the home. A well written letter can ease the concern that a buyer will change their mind and can occasionally overcome a slightly lower offer.
However, simply reading the letter can introduce bias into the decision-making process and cause serious issues. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on factors such as race, religion, or family status. If a love letter reveals personal information that falls into any of these categories, just knowing the information may open up the seller to potential issues.
It’s natural to want your home to go to a “nice family” who will love the
property as much as you do. It’s just as natural to want to ensure the new
owner will fit into the neighborhood. Yet, it’s just this goal that might also
cause headaches. So, if you do choose to read the letters, focus on the
practical and financial aspects of the story and make the best choice for
you and your goals.
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